1.1) Lastname:Fenderson
1.2) Firstname:Tommy
1.3) Age:24
1.4) Gender:Male
1.5) Date of Birth:05/06/1988
1.6) Place of Birth: Liverpool,England
2.1) Mobile phone number:2109
2.2) House phone number: -
2.3) House address:Palomino Creek Street Number 23
3.1) Education history:South Queens Junior High School
Liverpool High School
The University of Manchester - Social Sciences
3.2) Why do you want to join the LSPD? Okay.I really need this job.I need some money for my future.I wish my family could live happy ever after with me.And last night,i was see the advertise.That said LSPD has open the recruitments section.So i send this form to you.And i think this job is really match for me.I know Social problem.Maybe i can't help you to discover the criminal's live.You know,our country has bad reputation in social education.I hope LSPD with me can have some corporation.And also,my father is a police.So i'm not affraid anymore with those gun.And my father also teach me how to create a gun and how police trace their suspects.After i graduated from my high school.I joined the conscription for 2 months.
Someday,i will change their minds who think LSPD Officer was a corruptor.Yeah i heard that like a thousand time.I'll fix that.
3.3) Why do you think we should accept you to the department? Changing people's minds about police is my vision.I also know about weapon and i licensed.I also good at social.Maybe you need someone to introgate.
[ Out Of Character ]
[list]1.1) Last Name:Fauzan
- First Name :Rahman
- Age :15
- Location :Bandung
- Your current & past characters :Tommy_Fenderson
- What is your XO:RP forum account? :Tommy_Fenderson
- Have you ever roleplayed in any other RP servers? :Yes
- Your roleplay experiences (What faction you've ever been in) :Aztecas,FBI, and LSPD